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Nurture your employees, elevate their experience

An employee experience that fuels – not follows – the “real” work

What would make work “better” for your employees? (Spoiler alert: it’s not ping pong or happy hours.) “Better” gets your employees out of bed and excited about work. It inspires them not just to show up but to fully participate and collaborate. It leaves them feeling heard, cared for, acknowledged.

Grab our Kickstart Guide

Impactful employee experiences rely on Four Pillars

The employee experience is often misunderstood, mistaken for the basics, like reasonable compensation and safe workplaces, or the extras, like free food and fancy parties. But it’s neither of these. It’s the stuff that lives in between. The menagerie of moments that allows your teams to deliver, develop, connect and thrive.

4 Pillars | Deliver

“I am equipped to get my best work done. Expectations are clear. I work without obstruction or inefficiency.”

4 Pillars | Develop

“I am growing new skills and capabilities. I’m challenged and excited. I receive feedback, coaching and opportunity.”

4 Pillars | Connect

“I belong here. I feel purpose, part of a team and community. My ideas are welcome to be spoken. All questions are welcome.”

4 Pillars | Thrive

“My well-being matters. I’m recognized and appreciated. I set boundaries, manage my energy and feel respected.”

Grab our Kickstart Guide
We’ll equip you to do it

Kickstart your employee experience

This interactive program provides your HR team with the clarity, framework and roadmap to kick your employee experience into high gear!

We want to help you craft an experience that captures hearts and minds, where your employees don’t want to just not leave but stay — in commitment and loyalty. An EX that sustains their desire to be part of your organization to serve and delight your customers and clients.

This program…

  • …is for a cohort of team of HR leaders, for groups of 6–20 people who are ready to lead the charge on crafting, lifting, shaping or enhancing employee experience.
  • …is delivered in two 90-minute interactive virtual sessions via Zoom, whenever it suits your organization!
The result?

This program leaves participants with a clear and compelling business case for why EX is critical for business success. They’ll get a simple framework to define EX, plus a roadmap for asking, listening, implementing, monitoring, pivoting and more.

They’ll grow in understanding of the role of HR, of leadership and of employees in crafting and sustaining the employee experience.

Kick Your EX Into Gear
We’ll do it with you

Put your finger on the pulse

A pulse check is just what you need to cultivate a successful employee experience. It’s our unique approach to strategically and empathetically collecting the exact qualitative insights you need to inform your path forward.

Here’s our process for tapping into your employee experience:

  • First, we learn from you. What might be going on? We understand your question and hypothesis. Where may there be a crack or opportunity?
  • Then, we hear from your people. We design and facilitate a series of employee focus groups. We listen, capture, probe and clarify until we’re satisfied they’ve been heard.
  • Finally, we bring it all together. We analyze, synthesize and craft the story of your employees’ voices, then present you with actionable findings and recommendations to move you forward.
The result?

You come away with a clear sense of direction — an actionable plan to move the needle and course correct. Now, you have their words, their language, their insights, so you can communicate back to them with genuine empathy.

Your employees feel heard and invested in, trusting that action will follow. Loyalty builds. Engagement grows. Creativity flourishes.

Check Your EX Pulse

After months of spinning our wheels, Rachel came in, ran focus groups with our teams and left us with unbelievable clarity on what their key needs are and what actions we should take. We have a plan of action we know will resonate, and a partner for life in Rachel.

SVP | Healthcare Organization

We reached out to Rachel with a need to build a change leadership capability. That is precisely what was delivered to my team.

CEO North America | Tax and Accounting Business

Tune into the heartbeat of your team

Get a Pulse Check