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Leading Change: Leader Workshop 

An interactive experience that inspires, equips, & empowers your leaders to lead change

It's Time for a Fresh Approach to Change

These past few years have been full of change. The volume, frequency, and complexity of change have been extraordinary. And your leaders – and teams – are exhausted.

Research tells us that in recent years, employees’ willingness to support enterprise change has plummeted. Change fatigue has emerged and it shows no signs of abating.

What your leaders need most? It’s a new approach to leading change. One less about defining and issuing instructions for their teams to follow, and more about fully engaging and activating their teams. Inviting them in to co-create, to feel like partners and owners – not victims of change.

As the world of Product Management saw fit to evolve from traditional to Agile methodologies for engineering, the world of change today commands the same.

Complexity and uncertainty must be met with approaches that value short cycles of experimentation, continuous learning, and co-creation. This workshop puts your leaders on that journey.

What Makes This Program Unique?

Simply put, it’s a blend of what they learn, how they learn, and what they take away

What they learn

In the spirit of blending traditional change wisdom with an agile approach to change, participants of this program learn:

  • What the role of a modern change leader is, and critically, what it isn’t
  • What the current data around change has to teach us to give us an edge
  • How to articulate a vision even in the face of uncertainty
  • How to shift from communication to truly activating change, turning their teams into thinkers and builders and co-creators and experimenters
  • How to sustain momentum to keep energy and engagement high

How they learn

These days, content matters. But content is table stakes. Leading through change is intimidating, overwhelming. And leaders need more than tools and knowledge. They need community of peers that feel “in it” together. They need a safe space to practice.

This program moves beyond teaching into group discussion, collaborative problem-solving, peer-coaching, and personal accountability for taking action.

What they gain

While this program’s “official” run-time is 3 hours, the benefits live on for much longer. Participants come away with:

  • A feeling of having been developed, invested in. By you.
  • A set of tools, and newly activated muscles
  • A community of peers who will support, coach, and hold them accountable
  • Confidence from having practiced some tools real-time
  • A clear understanding of what’s expected of them
  • An invitation for a one-time 1-1 coaching session with their facilitator, post-session

Program Details & Logistics

This program is designed to be delivered in a single, 3-hour block, either in-person or virtually.

It is ideal for cohorts of 12 – 20 leaders (mid – senior level) with a responsibility for leading change within your organization.

Pricing discounts are available when 3 or more cohorts participate.

Each participant will receive, at the program’s conclusion, an invitation to book a one-time 1-1 coaching session with their facilitator within 6 months. This is a safe, open space to discuss any challenges, questions, or concerns.

Having learned change management in the past, this workshop really shifted my perspective and approach. It's so clear to me now why old frameworks aren't serving us today. I feel like I have the right tools now for keeping my team engaged as we head down a still uncertain path."

-SVP / General Manager Financial Services Organization

We brought this program inhouse and put our whole executive team through it. Hearing them use a shared language, and watching them use these tools in their everyday practice tells me this hit the nail on the head for us

-Chief Human Resources Officer, Retail organization