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A private Activation bootcamp for your leaders

Equip your leaders to create a flywheel of performance & engagement

Build capability & confidence

Deliver tools & action plans

Establish leader accountability

Do any of these ring true?


Teams are stretched, exhausted, & burning out


There's a tension between driving results and "doing" employee engagement - it always feels like a choice


Leaders mean well, but are too stretched themselves to improve the experience


People are too busy to innovate, collaborate, or connect


There are wellness and development programs galore - but uptake - and therefore impact - is limited


You have an employee engagement survey - lots of data but no certainty on how to move the needle


Change fatigue has set in - and people want to stand still for a minute

When your leaders understand how performance & engagement work in concert – not competition; when they have simple tools, a clear framework, and a cohort of peers on the Activation journey with them? The game changes completely. Imagine your workforce totally activated.

Connect to book

How this bootcamp drives change

So glad you asked!

This bootcamp brings together a cohort of 12 – 15 of your leaders for a connective, community-building, practical, action-oriented development experience!

This cohort will stay intact over the course of 3, 90-minute modules. Each is packed with a series of

  • learning simple tools & frameworks
  • having open, honest discussions
  • practicing, role playing, & ideating
  • coaching & being coached by peers
  • committing to action & accountability

In between modules, participants will implement their “homework” – experimenting, testing and learning – and will bring back insights to discuss in the following module.

Further, every participant has open access to their facilitator during the life of the program for real-time problem-solving, coaching, and questions that arise.

The bootcamp is built upon the foundation of our proprietary Activation framework. When leaders successfully create the conditions in which their teams can do these 4 things, results, performance, and employee experiences are amplified:

Program Outline


Here leaders will learn the Activation framework – why these 4 pillars, what elements drive outcomes, and what their role is in that process.

They will learn actionable steps around asking, listening, identifying small actions that drive big results – focusing on what is within their control.

Homework following this module is around communicating with their teams to identify key areas of opportunity.


Here leaders will learn how to turn team insights into potential action. They will work collaboratively in their cohort to identify possible big changes, and shrink them to small actionable ones.

They will also begin to develop communications designed to fully engage their teams in the journey.

Homework following this module is around beginning to run small experiments and collect results to inform next steps.


Here leaders will return for their final module in which they share insights and reflections, pose questions, receive feedback, and share their biggest learnings with their peers.

Homework following this module will be an ongoing dialog with this new cohort of leader-peers, and commitment to further experimenting, learning, and celebrating successes.

Having learned "employee engagement" strategies in the past, this bootcamp really shifted my perspective and approach. It's so clear to me now how results and employee experiences actually feed each other. I feel like I have the right tools now for keeping my team engaged as we head down a still uncertain path."

-SVP / General Manager Financial Services Organization

We brought this program in-house and have run 3 cohorts through it so far. Hearing them use a shared language, and watching them use these tools in their everyday practice tells me this hit the nail on the head for us

-Chief Human Resources Officer, Retail organization